Reopen a Form.
Reopen a Form.
Purpose | Hosting | Compatible Tools |
Reopen a submitted form. | Cloud | Any scripting tool, such as JMWE, Power Scripts or Scriptrunner, that uses Groovy. |
Script | //// When using this script in the script console uncomment the next line:
def issueKey = 'ISSUE-1'
//// When using this script in a transition uncomment the next line:
// def issueKey = issue.key
String formName = "Form Name"
Closure getFormIds = { def propertyValue, String name ->
def ids = []
for(def form : propertyValue.value.forms){
return ids
def proFormaForm = get('/rest/api/3/issue/' + issueKey + '/properties/proforma.forms')
.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
if(proFormaForm.status == 200){
def forms = getFormIds(proFormaForm.body, formName)
for(def formId : forms){
def property = get('/rest/api/3/issue/' + issueKey + '/properties/proforma.forms.i' + formId)
.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
boolean updateAllForms = false
if(property.status == 200){
property.body.value.state.status = "o"
def insertProperty = put('/rest/api/3/issue/' + issueKey + '/properties/' + property.body.key)
.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
updateAllForms = true
def searchProperty = get('/rest/api/3/issue/' + issueKey + '/properties/proforma.forms.search')
.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
if(searchProperty.status == 200){
def openForms = searchProperty.body.value.count.open.value
def submittedForms = searchProperty.body.value.count.submitted.value
searchProperty.body.value.count.open = openForms + 1
searchProperty.body.value.count.submitted = submittedForms - 1
def insertSearchProperty = put('/rest/api/3/issue/' + issueKey + '/properties/' + searchProperty.body.key)
.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
for(def form : proFormaForm.body.value.forms){
if(form.id == formId){
def insertProperty = put('/rest/api/3/issue/' + issueKey + '/properties/' + proFormaForm.body.key)
.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
} |
Installation instructions |
Possible use cases | Use this script to reopen a submitted form, for example if a form needs to be reopened for an Approver to add/amend information. |
Limitations |
, multiple selections available,
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