

Compatible Tools

Dump data from multiple ProForma fields into the Jira Description field.


Any scripting tool, such as JMWE, Power Scripts or Scriptrunner, that uses Groovy.


//// When using this script in the script console uncomment the next line:
def issueKey = 'ISSUE-1'
//// When using this script in a transition uncomment the next line:
// def issueKey = issue.key

String formName = "Form Name"
def fieldNames = ["Field One", "Field Two", "Field Three", "Field Four"]
String noValue = "No value"

Closure<String> getIssueDescription = { String key ->
    def issueMap = get('/rest/api/2/issue/' + issueKey)
        .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
    return issueMap.body.fields.description.toString()

Closure getFormIds = { def propertyValue, String name ->
    def ids = []
    for(def form : propertyValue.value.forms){
    return ids

Closure<String> getFieldId = { def property, String fieldName ->
    for (def question : property.value.design.questions){
            return question.key

Closure getChoiceValue = { def property, String fieldName, String choiceId ->
    def fieldId = getFieldId(property, fieldName)
    for (def question : property.value.design.questions){
            for(def choice : question.value.choices){
                if(choice.id == choiceId){
                    return choice.label

Closure<String> getFieldValue = { def property, String fieldName ->
    for (def answer : property.value.state.answers){
        String fieldId = getFieldId(property, fieldName)
            if(answer.value.text && !answer.value.text.equals("")){
                return answer.value.text
            } else if(answer.value.choices){
                String choiceValues = ""
                for(def choice : answer.value.choices){
                        choiceValues = getChoiceValue(property, fieldName, choice)
                    } else {
                        choiceValues = choiceValues + ", " + getChoiceValue(property, fieldName, choice)
                return choiceValues.equals("") ? noValue : choiceValues
            } else if(answer.value.users){
                String userValues = ""
                for(def user : answer.value.users){
                        userValues = user.name
                    } else {
                        userValues = userValues + ", " + user.name
                return userValues.equals("") ? noValue : userValues
            } else if(answer.value.date || answer.value.time){
                String dateTime = ""
                    dateTime = dateTime + answer.value.date
                        dateTime = dateTime + " " + answer.value.time
                    } else {
                        dateTime = dateTime + answer.value.time
                return dateTime.equals("") ? noValue : dateTime
    return noValue

def proFormaForm = get('/rest/api/3/issue/' + issueKey + '/properties/proforma.forms')
    .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

if(proFormaForm.status == 200){
    def forms = getFormIds(proFormaForm.body, formName)
    String result = ""
    for(def formId : forms){
        def property = get('/rest/api/3/issue/' + issueKey + '/properties/proforma.forms.i' + formId)
                .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

        if(property.status == 200){
                for(def fieldName : fieldNames) {
                        result = getFieldValue(property.body, fieldName)
                    } else {
                        result = result + ", " + getFieldValue(property.body, fieldName).toString()
      def issueUpdate = put("/rest/api/2/issue/${issueKey}")
        .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            fields: [
                    description: result
                    //description: getIssueDescription(issueKey) + " " + result

Installation instructions

  • If used in a transition:

    • Comment line 2

    • Uncomment line 4

    • Change formName in line 6 to the name of the form that has all fields used in the script.

    • Change/Add in fieldNames in line 7 the name/label of all fields you want values from, separated by comma, between quotation marks.

    • Change noValue in line 8 to the message you want to show when no value is found on a field.

    • If you want to add values in the end of the issue description instead of overriding it, comment line 122 and uncomment line 123.

  • If used in the script console:

    • Change the issue key in line 2 to the key of the issue you want to sum the field values in a form.

    • Change formName in line 6 to the name of the form that has all fields used in the scripts

    • Change/Add in fieldNames in line 7 the name/label of all fields you want values from, separated by comma, between quotation marks.

    • Change noValue in line 8 to the message you want to show when no value is found on a field.

    • If you want to add values in the end of the issue description instead of overriding it, comment line 122 and uncomment line 123.

Possible use cases

  • Copying data from multiple ProForma fields into a single Jira fields makes the data searchable in JQL queries and Jira reports.

  • Summarize key data points collected in long, complex forms.


  • All fields that will be included must be on the same form, and the same issue.

  • If one of the fields being collected has no value, then that field will be shown as “No value” in the Description field.

  • The script can be used to override or amend to, existing values in the Description field.

  • If there are multiple copies of the same form on the issue, the values will be taken from the last (most recently added) copy of the form.

  • This script may not work if the form is over 32 KB. You can limit the size of your forms by using multiple smaller forms, and by including character/word limits on your text fields.