

Compatible Tools

Change the Internal/External setting of a form.


Any scripting tool, such as JMWE, Power Scripts or Scriptrunner, that uses Groovy.


//// When using this script in the script console uncomment the next line:
def issueKey = 'ISSUE-1'
//// When using this script in a transition uncomment the next line:
// def issueKey = issue.key

String formName = "Form Name"

Closure getFormId = { def allProperties, String name ->
    for(def formProperty : allProperties){
            for(def p : formProperty.value.forms) {
                    return p.id

def proformaPropertyKeys = []
def allIssueProperties = get('/rest/api/3/issue/' + issueKey + '/properties/')
        .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

if (allIssueProperties.status == 200){
    for(def property : allIssueProperties.body.keys){

def formProperties = []
    for(def key : proformaPropertyKeys){
        def property = get('/rest/api/3/issue/' + issueKey + '/properties/' + key)
                .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        if(property.status == 200){

def formId

    formId = getFormId(formProperties, formName)
    boolean updateSecondForm = false
    for(def formProperty : formProperties){
        if(formProperty.key.equals("proforma.forms" + ".i" + formId) && formProperty.value.schemaVersion.equals(8)){
            if(formProperty.value.state.visibility == "i"){
                formProperty.value.state.visibility = "e"
            } else if(formProperty.value.state.visibility == "e"){
                formProperty.value.state.visibility = "i"
            def insertProperty = put('/rest/api/3/issue/' + issueKey + '/properties/' + formProperty.key)
                              .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            updateSecondForm = true
        for(def formProperty : formProperties){
                for(def form : formProperty.value.forms){
                        if(form.internal == true){
                            form.internal = false
                        } else if(form.internal == false){
                            form.internal = true    
                        def insertProperty = put('/rest/api/3/issue/' + issueKey + '/properties/' + formProperty.key)
                                          .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

Installation instructions

  • If used in a transition:

    • Comment line 2

    • Uncomment line 4

    • Change formName in line 6 to the name of the form that you want to move between internal/external statuses.

  • If used in the script console:

    • Change issue key in line 2 to the issue that has the form you want to move between internal/external statuses.

    • Change formName in line 6 to the name of the form that you want to move between internal/external statuses.

Possible use cases

Use this script to change a form from internal to external or vise versa. For example, you can have a form which was submitted on the portal become Internal (not visible on the portal) when it reaches a given status.


  • If multiple forms with the same name exist on the issue, the script will only change the first setting on the first form.

  • Note that this script may not work if the form is over 32 KB. You can limit the size of your forms by using multiple smaller forms, and by including character/word limits on your text fields.